
Here’s a couple of videos that we are taking over time, either during training or in liberty.


vidéo 1 : First promotionnal video of Othello when he was only 3 years old.

vidéo 2 : Othello’s “Haute-Ecole” clinic with Richard Lledo 1/2

vidéo 3 : Othello’s “Haute-Ecole” clinic with Richard Lledo 2/2

vidéo 4 : Othello’s “Haute-Ecole” clinic with Etienne LeRoy

vidéo 5 : Othello , fall 2008 (9 years old)


Vidéo 1 : Elegancia with Almendra at 1 and a half months old.

Almendra – Amalia

Vidéo 1 : Almendra and Amalia summer 2007, Amalia was 2 months old

Jean-Francois Rivard

Danielle Desaulniers



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